- Track - Helena Beat - Foster The People
- Length - 3:45
- Shoot date - 9th December 2011
- Location - Joyce Grenfell Centre Hall - Claremont Fan Court School
- Shoot location
- Crew: Alex Atkinson, 07523208980, aatkinson@yahoo.co.uk
- Crew: Will Jones, 07708633380, willjones567@hotmail.co.uk
- Crew: Jonny Bohane, 07789764914, jonnybohane@hotmail.co.uk
- Crew: Richard Holt, 07592016332, richard_holt@hotmail.com
- Crew Joe Eddy , 07473026285, joeeddy@hotmail.co.uk
- Crew: Greg Flynn
- Camera equipment (Nikon D3100 Digital SLR camera - backup camera (Nikon D5000))
- Lighting equipment (Stage lights that filtered)
- Props
- Instruments - Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum kit with sticks and cymbals, Keyboard, Synthesiser, 3 amplifiers, microphone and mic stand.
- Band Clothing - Generally own clothes (Converses and shades for Will)